Mother-To-Be or Mother-Not-To-Be, that is the question.

our struggles with infertility

February 08, 2006


Believe it or not, my sweet pea is 2 months old today. The time sure is flying!

Unfortunately, she has had a tough day on her 2-month birthday. She was crying her eyes out this morning, which is unusual, as I was trying to get dressed to drop her off at my mom's so that I could go to the gym. (Have I mentioned how much I LOVE that my parents live 5 houses down from us? Not that it is an accident; we built on the same street as them so that we would have this built-in babysitter thing, if we ever DID manage to have children. It is SO easy to just drop her off here and there for an hour or so, and so far my mother doesn't seem to mind because I don't think I am overdoing it.....yet!!!)

Anyways I don't know what was making her cry this morning, but in the short car ride of 5 houses, she fell asleep. Man, my kid likes the car! (And yes, I drive down there while it is wintertime and it is this cold outside - in the spring / summer / fall we'll just walk down the street).

She was asleep for my mom the whole time I was at the gym, which was great. But then I had to take her to the doctor for her 2-month check up. For some reason, as soon as we got the appointment underway she started screaming like she does in the evenings, when the colic strikes. In a way, though, I thought this was a GOOD thing, because her doctor got to see first-hand exactly what it is that we are dealing with. She has now been on soy formula for about a week; he wants her to try one more week on it and if there is still no improvement (since there hasn't been yet) he will have us switch to a milk protein-free and soy protein-free formula. The good news about that is that it will be covered 100% by insurance. Free food! One less baby expense! Yay! Not that we care THAT much about the cost - bottom line is we want Amanda to start feeling better, and we want some more peace of mind for ourselves.

The hardest part of all is the guesswork that goes along with the colic. According to her doctor, colic tends to peak between 6-8 weeks old, which means she could be through the worst of it. But you never know. Anthony was colicky through 5 months, and a friend of ours told us her 2 year old was colicky for 9 straight months! Also, if we switch her formula next week and she gets better, how will we know for sure that it was the formula switch that did the trick, or that she possibly simply outgrew this phase? All I know is, I want my baby out of this painful phase as soon as possible. She is an absolute angel 99.99% of the time. We get rid of this colic and we will have the "perfect" child on our hands. (Until something new happens, like teething, right?)

Back to her tough day: she was screaming her head off through the WHOLE appointment, and this is BEFORE she had to get her 3 shots. I kept telling the doctor, "It's almost as if she has a sixth-sense that something bad is happening soon, huh?" The nurse came in and stuck her thigh with the first shot, and Amanda's eyes got huge and she let out a blood-curdling scream that just made me wince. And she still had two more shots to go! Tears were streaming down her cheeks, which is something I have yet to see with my baby. After the shots were over, I picked her up to try to comfort her and she threw up all over me. Not spit up; throw up. Poor kid.

She finally just tuckered out from the hour-long scream fest at the doctor's, and I shot this picture of her in her car seat when we got home.

I want to take her out, but she is sleeping so peacefully now I hate to disturb her!

Happy two-month birthday to my little girl. I hope tomorrow is a better day for her!!!



Once again, Britney Spears proves what an absolute idiot she is.

If I had more time (if the baby wasn't crying right now) there is just SO much I could say about this. But honestly, the picture speaks for itself.

What an asshole, huh?
