Mother-To-Be or Mother-Not-To-Be, that is the question.

our struggles with infertility

September 30, 2005


My sister loaned me a maternity shirt that says that. It is totally true, though. I look at my belly and get excited when I see it move around; but I also look at it and get depressed. No, actually, wrong word choice. I get terrified that it is never going to be small again. That it is going to stay this way forever.

And, my friends, let me tell you - my belly is BIG. So big, in fact, that I am starting to ask MYSELF if I am sure there is only one baby in there.

...and I still have between seven and nine weeks to go!!!!

(Perhaps if I am brave I will post a belly shot. I don't know, though. So far I have managed to not be photographed ONCE in my pregnant state!)


September 28, 2005


So when I got home from the hospital yesterday, all I wanted to do was go to bed and watch the recording of NBC’s new show “Surface” which I had Tivo’d Monday night. I was SO tired from the concert the night before I could barely function; how I drove myself home from the hospital without falling asleep behind the wheel is beyond me.

I turned on the TV in the bedroom and discovered, to my horror, that the screen was freeze-framed on an image from my soap opera that had been recording earlier, and no matter what buttons I pushed on the remote, nothing would unfreeze the image. I powered down the Tivo and upon powering it back up, it remained on the grey screen with the words “Welcome. Powering up…” for over an hour. Ugh. So I did it again and the same thing happened. I finally called Tivo, still sleep deprived two hours later, to learn the sad truth that my Tivo is dead.

Not good, my friends.

However, Tivo is replacing it for free for reasons I don’t totally understand. After all, the warranty period expired long ago. But I am not going to argue with them – they said to ship back the dead box and they will send me a new one. Sweet! But in the interim…no Tivo!

In the meantime, we saw Anthony’s stepfather a couple of weekends ago, and he offered us a free Tivo. We said “Um sure, why?” His only explanation was that some man came into his sub shop and offered him a Tivo for a sandwich.


I guess this person got Tivo as a gift, but decided he didn’t want it or wouldn’t use it, and thought Anthony’s stepfather would want it. Keep in mind, he doesn’t know Anthony’s stepfather – he just happened to order a sandwich and gave him the Tivo as payment. So, puzzled, his stepfather took it and brought it home, but then the more he thought about it he didn’t want to pay the monthly service fee for something he didn’t think he’d use very often.

So he offered it to us.

To which we replied “Hell yeah, we’ll put it in Mandy’s room!” Because, after all, every newborn baby needs Tivo. She’s also getting a brand new flat screen tv. Um yeah, and we say we’re not going to spoil this kid.*

So Anthony will be seeing his stepfather this Friday night when they go to the Sox / Yankees game (a game which I bowed out of going to because, now nearly 8 months pregnant, I just don’t think I will be comfortable enough to have fun. That is when you KNOW you’re very pregnant, when you give away front row seats to the Red Sox / Yankees in what is playing out to be one of the biggest weekends all season for both teams.) Long story short, he is bringing the Tivo on Friday with him and we’ll have it by the weekend, so we won’t be without for too, too long.

Can you tell we watch too much television?

*The flat-screen tv and Tivo for Mandy’s room is actually for us, for those 3:00AM feedings. We both agreed that if we are going to be up all night with a newborn, we don’t want to be stuck watching infomercials and reruns of the local 11:00PM news. So we are putting cable in her room and the Tivo, just until she’s old enough to figure it out at which point we will be removing the tv from her room until she is a teenager.

Just to clarify so you all don’t think we are clinically insane.


September 27, 2005



I saw a Beatle last night.

My mom and I went to the Paul McCartney concert last night. I am exhausted, as I didn't get home until 12:30 and need to be at the hospital by 8:00AM today (an hour and a half away) for my glucose tolerance test.

But it doesn't matter that I am exhausted - the show was ridiculously unbelievable.

I saw a BEATLE last night!
