Mother-To-Be or Mother-Not-To-Be, that is the question.

our struggles with infertility

May 08, 2005


I haven't been paying much attention to my morning sickness since Wednesday. I know that sounds like a good thing, but the truth is I have been dealing with another kind of sick - a virus.

I haven't been able to fully take care of my illness like I want to - I should have taken a sick day or two last week, but I found myself with 3 bids due. A week at work with one bid is a bad week, so you can imagine what a 3-bid week is like. I suffered through and rested as much as I could this weekend. But rest wasn't really in the cards.

On a positive note, today was my first mother's day, although I really consider next year to be my "first" - the year that I can actually hold my child. But it was so thoughtful that people gave me cards and even some nice gifts - I was totally blown away!

The other positive thing I have going for me is that tomorrow night is my LAST SHOT! I know that may not seem like such a big deal, but believe me, it is. My ass is purple with bruises, and the skin is toughened and tired. I have been sticking my poor butt with an inch-and-a-half long needle every single night since March 11th. My poor butt has been to hell and back, and after tomorrow night it will get a much needed vacation!

All in all, things are still good - I am oh-so-close to being done with the first trimester. My virus has GOT to be winding down, because I have been sick since Wednesday and it just wouldn't be fair if my symptoms persisted. And as soon as those symptoms move into the background, I will start noticing that vicious nausea again.


This is all worth it though. And I think "feeling good" is just on the horizon. At least, I hope it is!

Oh, and Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there, and to all you new moms, and to all you moms-to-be whether it be through pregnancy, adoption, surrogacy, etc. And especially a Happy Mother's Day to everyone who is still trying and still struggling - you are truly the best moms, because you are already wonderful mothers in your hearts.
