Mother-To-Be or Mother-Not-To-Be, that is the question.

our struggles with infertility

September 23, 2005


So back in May I posted about this show.

Tonight is the season premiere (in about a half an hour). I have to admit, I am intrigued. And I WILL be watching.

But I will be watching with pen poised, paper in hand, and the minute I deem anything inappropriate, inaccurate, offensive or insensitive, NBC will be getting a NASTY letter from me.

If anyone else out there in infertile world watches the show tonight, I would LOVE to get your opinion after the fact.

You KNOW I will be posting my review.

I just think NBC has such an opportunity with this show, and I hope they seize it rather than blow it.


September 21, 2005


Do I need to worry?

My sister Cheryl and her fiance left today for a vacation to Austin, TX until next Monday. Just as Hurricane Rita was upgraded to a Category 5, the biggest threat. Austin LOOKS far enough away from the Gulf Coast, but I've never been to Texas.

What do you think? They'll be fine, right?


September 20, 2005


So...I failed my glucose test. I just barely failed it - they want the number to come back under 140, and I scored a lovely 142.

Next Tuesday, on a previously scheduled personal day off from work, I need to go to the hospital from 8:30AM to 12:30PM for my fasting glucose tolerance test.

Can you say....ick? Especially since the whole point of the day off from work was to sleep late, since I will be attending the Paul McCartney concert the night before! (can't wait can't wait can't wait!) Now, I will be getting home around 1:30AM and will need to leave the house by 6:45AM at the latest to get to the hospital through rush hour traffic on time.

